Creating Community
Free Health Care
Free and affordable health care in collaboration with Trailside Health. Free clinic, sliding scale, barter and other affordable means of seeking care are available to interested patients and families.
Free Medical Software
Free open source medical record software provides more affordable care more efficiently to more people in need.
Youth Outreach
Entertaining and engaging educational programs for youth of all ages on any topic. A physician healer's combination of frank honesty, enthusiasm, and shameless clowning come a long way in helping young people grow into more knowledgeable, compasionate and mature individuals.
Elder Care
Volunteers have worked hard to knit blankets and collect other needs for our elderly, poor and homebound patients to enjoy over a cup of tea and cookies. Home visits continue our outreach to more vulnerable neighbors during cold New England winters. Bushel sacks of foods are shared when at times neighbors donate gifts in turn, and a community circle grows.
Pied Piper
Our creatively inclined members have taken to unplanned walks around hospital, town, and homes singing and joking to lift smiles and spirits. We enjoy the unexpected and make music together. We have shared with patients with mental illness, elders in nursing homes, young children with developmental delays, local outdoor festivals and perhaps too many unsuspecting neighbors on street corners.
Water Ways
“Why, my young friend, it’s the only thing! Why, there’s nothing…simply nothing, quite so much worth doing, as messing about in boats. Simply messing…about in boats.”
–Kenneth Grahame, Wind in the Willows
And then there's the water that calls to all of us - soothing, hypnotic, musical and magical water and the many creatures living and playing on it. Boating offers up so many teaching moments in nature, history, art, science, craftsmanship, teamwork and responsibility... with a healthy dash of romance and adventure thrown in.
Thirty years of emulating Pete Seeger's Clearwater vision on a much, much smaller scale of a butterfly's wing. We share boat learning opportunities with all ages and offer training in all aspects of boat rowing, sailing, seamanship, navigation, building and repair.
When you catch us in Barton's Cove, the Harriman, Penobscot Bay, Boston Harbor, Chesapeake Bay and elsewhere, come on aboard!