Cottage Med
Open Source Software that is ...
- Accessible & Affordable - Free
- Easily Customizable and Expandable
- Designed by physicians for physicians
- Used by doctors in the U.S., U.N., USAID and developing nations
- a template for FileMaker© versions 7-12+
Are you intimidated by computers?
Is the cost of an electronic medical record ("EMR") beyond your reach?
Are you a non-profit organization or a struggling doctor young or old?
We are for you.
Our profession suffers from a blizzard of awfully bad competing and conflicting for-profit EMR's.
Most EMR's are bloated with unnecessary features designed to make money rather than deliver care - they impair medical care while charging a thief's arm and leg for their boatload of headaches and lost income. With Cottage Med you have no baloney.
You can quickly learn and easily reprogram CottageMed with your mouse. No joke, it is that easy. A flexible, dependable and HIPAA-compliant EMR can be constructed for a few hundred dollars... with secure and wireless networking, PDA and multiple-office support, prescription writing and cross-platform compatibility all built in.
Don't believe the hype of the AAFP, CCHIT and hundreds of for-profit EMR vendors looking to rob you and your patients with absurdly inflated prices. Our EMR solution works right now, today, at no cost to you.
Designed for PC, Apple and Linux* environments, the CottageMed open source software templates run within the database program FileMaker©. Download a trial copy of Filemaker and then install CottageMed with drag and drop like child's play.
After 20 years of EMR hype doctors still have a huge problem - we have no affordable EMR standard. CottageMed bridges our difficult present and unknown future with a calmer, smoother, more productive now where you maintain full control over your information, full access to it, and the ability to easily export it to any future system you choose. Open-Source EMR's like CottageMed are simply great solutions.
CottageMed does a great job to make healthcare better. Join hundreds of other users who donate to keep our open source software movement growing strong.
*Linux requires old CottageMed and Filemaker v.6 for fullest features.
Reviewed by Family Practice Management
Winner of the Filemaker Community Service Award