Download Cottage Med
All program files, manuals, and video tutorials are now stored on SourceForge.
About our free software versions:
Cottage_Med is our fully tested EMR for PC and Mac (FileMaker v.7 or later is needed to run this)
Demo_Free_for_PC is for single users for PC - no purchase needed
Demo_Free_For_Mac is our fully tested user EMR for Mac - no purchase needed
Please Note: Please report any questions, problems, or issues to our programming team immediately so that we can help.
We can provide a program CD to anyone who can not download these files for $40 (shipping included worldwide). Please contact us for more information.
Check out these other great open-source software sites.
- LinuxMedNews - general open source news
- Alexander Caldwell's tkfp - a GREAT program, but beginning in 2008 these generous nonprofit EMR software efforts have been swamped by a tidal wave of marketing from swarms of EMR snake oil salesmen smelling a profit...
- OpenEMR - an EMR worth looking at and trying to install
- OSCAR - a prominent open source project out of Canada
- Crisnet - one of many small projects listed on this site
- VISTA - still not fully open source and the most difficult install around
- SQL - a great project but too intimidating for normal doctors to install
- Open Healthcare Group - CottageMed is a much easier install
- FreeMed - was a vibrant early EMR effort
- AccessGP - like many early open source EMR efforts, this has vanished from the web or been absorbed into other efforts