How do I upgrade to a newer version of Cottage Med?
The upgrade process has been partly automated and is fairly painless. First in your old version back up all records with the "Backup" button on the opening home screen near the big red start button. Then from your new version press the "Import Prior Records" button in the opening screen. Follow the instructions until everything finishes. Every database automatically runs their own upgrade routine to choose "File" from the menu bar, then choose "Import" and then "File" for each prior database of the same name. All new data field names match the old ones. New fields added will have no old fields matched to them and will often be blank when first used.
After importing for each of the 22-odd databases, your upgrade is done. Please check your files and file sizes and most recent (last are newest) records in each database to make sure they are the same before continuing your work and entering new information.
This upgrade process is great for cleaning up damaged files and can be used to help fix broken records. Please read your Filemaker manual for important instructions on routine database management and maintenance. Upgrades or file re-imports to clean empty Cottage_Med copies should be done at least once a year or more often if machines have been shut down unexpectedly.
Appears in: General FAQ