Is Cottage Med compatible with FileMaker version "blank"?
YES. Cottage Med is fully tested on all FileMaker versions 5 through 12+. The current release runs on Filemaker v. 7-12+, but we recommend Filemaker version 9. Filemaker version 7 was buggy and version 10-11 added few important changes. Filemaker version 9 is the best tested most optimal version to use, but all appear to work safely.
For future reference, what follows is our standard policy on the wisdom of Filemaker upgrades:
1) Most commercial FileMaker medical record programs still use FileMaker Server 5.5 or 8 - most upgrades have no features that you need. Save your money to spend some more time with your children and spouse. Filemaker 9 is best for CottageMed.
2) We do not want to be part of the rapid pace and pressure in society and on consumers to constantly upgrade software. We want Cottage Med to remain affordable for doctors in developing countries and non-profit programs everywhere. Our upgrades will come slowly and responsibly as our patients need. Please use whatever Filemaker version 7-12+ which you prefer.
Please keep those questions coming.
Appears in: General FAQ