How do I start?
Open Cottage_Med and use the BIG red button to go to the first screen. This is the demographics page. Click in any field to enter information. There is a menu bar at the top of the screen and 8 yellow tabs below that. Click these labelled tabs to go to different parts of your patient's chart. You can cut, copy, and paste in any field until a note or field is signed and locked by the system for security.
To start a progress note click on the tab for "Notes." Click a green button for the type of note you are writing, then start typing in the new window you see. You may insert boilerplate text by placing the cursor where you need and then click one of the green physical exam buttons in the upper right part of the screen.
To write a prescription, please go to the bottom of the screen in the red prescription area and type what you want, hit the tab key for each field (dates are entered by the system automatically), click the first checkbox to flag your rx, then click the orange "Log" key above the rx window to save a phoned prescription or the orange "Print" key to print and save the rx.
Appears in: General FAQ